Where can I purchase the Holistic Management books in Spanish?

The Holistic Management textbook and handbook are available through the distributors below. At this time, they are not available in Savory's online store given that shipping costs from the United States to Spanish speaking countries is often cost-prohibitive for the buyer.

Bookstores, Savory Hubs, and accredited Holistic Management educators can purchase copies for resale through these distributors as well.


Vía web: www.EscueladeRegeneracion.com
Wholesale: editorial@libroscondor.com / +569.3694.6718


Vía web: www.EspacioRegenera.com
Point of sale: Av. Bilbao 2826, Providencia, Santiago
Wholesale: editorial@libroscondor.com/ +569.3694.6718


Vía web: www.AlfaoMega.es
Wholesale: distribucion@alfaomega.es


Vía web: www.LibrosCondor.com
Wholesale: editorial@libroscondor.com / +569.3694.6718

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