I'm exploring becoming a Hub, how do I get started?

The best way to explore the Savory Hub Program and the Savory Global Network is to attend a monthly Savory Global Meet Up. In this session, you will meet the Savory Global Network Coordinator, learn about the Hub program as well as other Savory programs, and meet people who are also interested in learning more about Holistic Management. 

To formally begin the exploration process, please complete the Hub interest form. Your answers will be reviewed, and a pathway will be recommended to you. There are several programs within the Savory Global Network, and our goal at the Savory Institute is to help you find the right role for you, so that you thrive as you continue on your regenerative journey. 

If we feel that further exploring the Hub pathway is the best next step, we will send you a bit of homework to do to dig in deeper. We want to give you a taste of the global network, and the work of a Hub before you commit to the program. The homework includes watching Allan Savory's TED Talk, having a conversation with an existing Hub leader, taking a Holistic Management course, etc. 

After this immersion work, if you feel this is exciting and meaningful work, the Savory Global Network Coordinator will send you the formal Hub application which includes an Executive Summary, a short 5-minute video and a simple projection budget. A review committee from the global network and Savory Institute will review your application and score it. Usually, following this review there are follow up questions. Depending on your score and how you answer your follow up questions, you will either be invited to formally become a Savory Hub Candidate, or encouraged to pursue other programs within the Savory Global Network.

If you accept our invitation to become a Savory Hub Candidate, you will sign a Hub Candidate letter committing to the 18-month Hub Activation Pathway, which is the name we give to the journey from Hub Candidate to Accredited Hub. 

Need more information before you submit your interest form? If so, please contact Savory's Global Network Coordinator, Abbey Kingdon at akingdon@savory.global with questions, or to discuss further. 

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