What specifically does EOV measure and how does it differ from the ecological monitoring of Holistic Management?

What does Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) measure?

EOV Short term monitoring (STM) collects qualitative data that provides leading indicators for land management decisions using an Ecological Health Matrix calibrated for each unique ecoregion. These indicators are compared to local reference areas, which are exemplary land bases in the area. Examples of leading indicators include assessing bare soil, litter decomposition and plant functional groups. 

EOV Long term monitoring (LTM) collects quantitative data and provides lagging indicators for soil health, carbon, water, and biodiversity using measurements and methods such as laboratory soil tests and water infiltration rates.

Is EOV the same as the Holistic Management Ecological Monitoring Protocol?

EOV is similar to Holistic Management Ecological Monitoring, but is not the same. EOV is more scientifically robust and goes through a verification process that includes data collection by trained monitors and quality assurance reviews of the data collected. 

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