How do I get set up with Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) on my farm or ranch?

The first step in the process for getting set up with Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) is to fill out the EOV landbase monitoring request form, found here:

From there, you should assess if EOV will be solely used for management decisions or if it will be used to inform management decisions and make marketing claims. For market approaches, we recommend contacting the Land to Market team early in the process to ensure products coming from your landbase meet program requirements. More information about the Land to Market program, in addition to options for contacting their team, can be found at

You may also wish to contact your local Savory Hub as they are the main providers of EOV services. A list of Savory Hubs and their locations can be found on this page. If no local Hub exists with sufficient capacity to meet your needs, the EOV global team will assist you with assigning a Monitor and Verifier, and coordinating time and travel. 

Once an EOV Monitor and Verifier have been assigned (either through a Hub or the EOV global team) monitoring needs to be scheduled during the growing season. Once that's complete, the steps are as follows: 

  1. The designated EOV Monitor and Verifier will work with the land managers to determine the verifiable acreage, define strata on the land, and set the Short Term Monitoring (STM) locations.
  2. STM is performed (every year). Short-term monitoring helps determine the most suitable areas for long-term monitoring, thus, at this time LTM sites are chosen (LTM is performed every five years).
  3. Data is reviewed by the Hub Verifier and, if approved, submitted to Global QA for review.
  4. Once Global QA has confirmed at least two sets of monitoring data indicating regeneration in the context of the ecoregion, verification is issued. 
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